Here's the feature breakdown by plan

Unlimited Tools & Widgets
No FormWise Branding
Theme Customizer
Prompt Chaining
Monthly AI Responses
Webhook & API
White Label URLs
Embedding Permissions
OpenAI API Key Input
2 seats
10 seats
50 seats
Data Integrations
GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 16K
Data Sources Per Tool
File Upload Limit
Front End Data Uploading
Unlimited Subaccount Locations (Native HighLevel Integration)
Total Data Source Uploads
Bulk Prompt Processing
Web Scraping

Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Contact us here so we can help.
How many tools can I create?

You can create unlimited AI tools with FormWise. Depending on your plan, you can also build multiple toolsets (portfolio-like pages for your tools) as well. You have 100+ templates to get started with too!

What GPT engines can I use?

We offer GPT-3 Adda, GPT-3 Babbage, GPT-3 Curie, GPT-3 DaVinci, GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-3 Turbo 16K, & GPT-4. We will be adding the new GPT-4 Turbo and other models soon!

Can I customize my prompts?

Yes, you have full range on prompt injection and customizability. You can even prompt chain together multiple prompts and run AI response from one to another, building powerful robust workflows in a few clicks!

Do you offer non-profit discounts?

We do, please email us at hello@formwise.AI with your legal non-profit status.

Can I embed my tools anywhere?

Yes, you can embed your tool and toolsets anywhere... like a YouTube video!

What is your support like?

We have email support, 1 on 1 support calls, weekly live training, and an awesome Facebook group.

Can I manually iframe toolsets in multiple HighLevel subaccounts?

Yes, you can, on any FormWise plan you get at least 1 toolset. You can take the toolset link and iframe in as many HighLevel subaccounts as you want manually by copying the toolset link and pasting it in your Agency custom menu link settings in HighLevel. Keep in mind all subaccount end users will have access to the same toolset and use the same tools if you make your iframe link setting in HighLevel be shown to all subaccounts. If you wanted each subaccount to use a unique toolset, you would have to manually add that toolset link to that subaccount only in the custom menu link settings in HighLevel.

What's the HighLevel Agency integration?

On the FormWise agency plan, we have a direct integration with HighLevel where you can import your subaccounts and control what toolset each subaccount gets, require an OpenAI API key from your subaccounts, and each subaccount gets their own usage response history they can access. Watch the video below about our direct HighLevel integration.

Can I send the AI responses to another app or Zapier?

Yes, you can send the responses to any application that can accept inbound webhooks. The most common being Zapier and the other most common being HighLevel's native workflow inbound webhook trigger. Below are two videos on how to implement either. This is good for the lead magnets / internal tools use case, where you can map both the inputs from the end user using your tool and the AI outputs your tool generates.

Can I rebill my FormWise end users that use my tools?

You can't directly rebill your clients but you are able to manually do a few things:
You can request an OpenAI API key from your users and then manually add it to power a toolset (individual tools not available). You can find this setting in the toolsets settings. On our FormWise Agency plan, we have a direct integration with HighLevel for those providing toolsets to their CRM users. With this integration, you have the option to require an OpenAI API key to your end users so they eat the API fees.

How can I restrict my tools so only my paying subscribers have access?

You can gate your tools by embedding in a gating environment that requires a login or password. The most common in our community is HighLevel. However, we've prepared an entire guide here to show you the possibilities of gating/monetizing your tools. We do not provide the gating environment since you can embed your tools and toolsets anywhere using a code block.

Can I generate charts with my tools?

Yes, simply tell your prompt instructions to return the output in "table format".

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