Selling and Gating A.I. Tools Guide for HighLevel Users

Hey there, hope everybody's having an awesome Friday and looking forward to a great weekend. For those of you working this weekend like me, I wanted to share a valuable resource to help you monetize and gate AI tools effectively within the HighLevel ecosystem.

What it’s about: Selling and Gating A.I. Tools

If you’re part of the HighLevel community, you have access to a variety of powerful tools that can significantly enhance your business offerings. Many new users might not be aware of this fantastic, free guide that provides insights and strategies on how to sell and gate AI tools. Whether you’re a seasoned FormWise user or just getting started, this guide is designed to help you maximize your monetization efforts.

What’s Inside the Guide?

This guide is packed with practical advice and resources, including funnel import links and preview options for various funnels. The primary goal is to help you monetize AI tools by embedding them within membership portals or sub-accounts in HighLevel. By treating these tools as valuable add-ons, you can attract more users into your ecosystem and increase engagement.

Key Features of the Guide

  • Funnel Import Links: Easily load and customize funnels tailored to your specific needs.
  • Monetization Strategies: Learn proven methods to monetize AI tools, including popular models like offering 27 tools for $27.
  • Value Addition: Understand how embedding AI tools can enhance the perceived value of your product or service, making it more attractive to potential clients.
  • Customization Tutorials: Step-by-step instructions on using tools like GHL Customizer to personalize your AI offerings.
  • Real User Insights: Gain insights from some of the most successful FormWise users on how they have effectively monetized their tools and grown their client base.

Practical Strategies for Monetization

One effective strategy highlighted in the guide is the concept of bundling multiple tools at an attractive price point. For example, offering a package of 27 tools for $27 can be a compelling offer to draw new users into your ecosystem. This approach not only provides great value to your clients but also helps you build a loyal customer base.

The guide also emphasizes the importance of treating these tools as integral parts of your service offerings. By embedding them within membership portals or directly within sub-accounts, you can create a seamless and engaging user experience. This not only enhances the stickiness of your product but also increases client retention and satisfaction.

Tailored for HighLevel and Beyond

This guide is mainly for HighLevel users who are bundling their FormWise tools with their CRM, marketing services, consulting, or courses. However, much of the information is also applicable to those using other coaching platforms like Kajabi, Upcoach, Kitchen.co, among others, as their gating environment for giving access to their AI tools built with FormWise to their paid end-users.

How FormWise Users are Succeeding

FormWise users have reported significant success by implementing these strategies. By leveraging the flexibility and power of the FormWise platform, they have been able to create highly customized AI tools that meet the specific needs of their clients. This customization capability, combined with effective monetization strategies, has enabled them to generate substantial revenue and build stronger client relationships.

🌟 Chad, Founder of BulletProof Real Estate Agent

"Using FormWise, we integrated AI tools directly into our existing platforms, adding incredible value and a wow factor for our users."

🌟 Jon Schumacher

"I sold $200k worth of digital products by integrating FormWise tools in my course."

Read more about their testimonials here.

By following the footsteps of these successful users, you too can harness the power of FormWise to create and monetize AI tools that resonate with your audience and drive substantial business growth.

Ready to Get Started?

If you're ready to take your AI tool monetization to the next level, be sure to check out this comprehensive guide. It’s packed with actionable insights and practical tips that can help you succeed. And the best part? You don't even need to sign up for FormWise to access it, although if you're watching this, you're likely already a user.

Access the Guide

I’m going to put a link to this guide in this post. Feel free to explore it, implement the strategies, and see how they can benefit your business. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to open a support ticket or ask in the Facebook group. We’re here to help!

Link to the Guide: Selling & Gating FormWise Tools Guide + HighLevel Templates | Knowledgebase

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